RESTORING THE BROKEN PLACES Is Available Wherever Fine Books Are Sold!

AVAILABLE NOW: Restoring the Broken Places in an Unforgiving World Transformed Through Forgiveness by Becky Cortino

The truth is things happen we will never understand. When the unimaginable intrudes into our lives, colliding with our hearts, we are left choosing how to handle it. 

Forgiveness is not a simple issue. The way to grace is filled with challenges and confusion. Common misconceptions about nurturing healthy relationships and extending forgiveness complicate troubling situations. The world’s lies get in the way of forgiving, by promoting popular ineffective strategies like:

  • Withholding forgiveness as personal power (chains everyone)
  • Just “forgive and forget” (allows a wrong to remain, fester and grow)
  • Silence (implies agreement accepting the unacceptable, lack of caring)

The Statistics Show:

  • A majority of people value relationships as highest priority.
  • They recognize relational challenges need to be addressed, but their attempts haven’t been successful.
  • They would do anything to “fix” their relational breaks, but are unsure how.

The Facts Are:

  • We have to do something to repair our fractured relationships.
  • Restoring relationships takes effort, determination and dedication 24/7.
  • The things we’re doing to “fix” a broken relationship aren’t working – and never will.

The Truth Is:

  • The most effective way to repair relational breaks is by following a tried-and-true model.
  • The steps are time-tested and proven to be effective.
  • While this model is based upon biblical principles, you do not have to be a Christian to apply it.

But if you do apply this approach, you will find they work.

International Speaker-Author Becky Cortino has cast the widest tent possible to plead the case for the necessity of forgiveness to repair relationships and live your best life. In her book RESTORING THE BROKEN PLACES, she provides a deep-dive into biblical principles surrounding forgiveness, presents a fresh look at reasons common practices don’t work, showing how to move toward restoring broken relationships by:

  • Understanding what forgiveness is and what it is not                                                                                                   
  • Realizing when extending grace is required and how to forgive                                                                                      
  • Recognizing an Unforgiving Spirit and loving beyond it   

  This Book is Available on AMAZON                                                                        

By embracing grace, we release painful bondage and regain peace in our lives. Broken relationships can be mended, transforming all!


Becky Cortino is an author of 10 books and an inspirational speaker. She has written for, and her words have been published and broadcast on every form of media globally. Her first 7 books are based on ministry she and her family participated in for over 20 years. They served as ministry volunteers in the pastoral care department of a non-denominational hospital, and in the children’s care unit of a psychiatric hospital unit. 

In the process of serving intergenerational groups, women, children and families, she observed an incredible range of human conditions. One of the greatest needs she saw was the shared need for improving relationships and resolving personal issues that hinder forgiving. She has experienced the challenges and blessings of forgiveness. 

AVAILABLE on AMAZON: Restoring the Broken Places in an Unforgiving World Transformed Through Forgiveness by Becky Cortino

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