Who doesn’t want more peace and meaningful, life-enriching relationships in their life? Most often we feel loved, valued and healthy when we have strong relationships. Building healthy relationships takes time.
At some point, everyone struggles with relationships. Sometimes relationships are not supportive or caring, no matter how we try our best to nurture them. Relationships naturally involve more than just ‘me’ – OR – ‘you! Relationships involve two or more… BUT being dynamic, things happen! Like…
Suddenly — your best friend disappears😯 Likely our friends didn’t abandon us because they didn’t really care… but maybe things are different now😭Whatever their reasons may be, they aren’t able to go further with us on this journey.
If we’re honest with ourselves, this is probably (in part) because they don’t have the deeply wired default connection inherently born into a family. As close as we thought we are (or at one time were), that strong bond no longer exists.
😳Did You Know: FAMILY teaches us how to extend grace! It may surprise you to realize — as it did me — that family actually gives us ample opportunity to learn to live at peace with and extend grace ongoing to others! There are benefits WHEN we allow these lessons!
Life can be challenging! But difficult, uncaring, unloving people often leave us wondering how to handle troubling situations and how to treat them when they make things so hard 🤷♀️
As a guide for all of us, in Ephesians 4:31-32, Paul tells us where to find encouragement and strength to help us through hard times with difficult people in our life..
Paul clearly explains how we should treat and address others:
“Make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk.
Be gentle with one another, sensitive.
Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you.”
So applying this as you go about your day…
Think about those who always seem so easy to forgive… and remember those who are more difficult for you to pour grace over.
Pray God’s guidance in your next steps to heal your most troubling relationships. He is always with us, even in our darkest days, and when we feel abandoned by those we thought loved us most.
Above all else, we mustn’t forget “Whose” we are. As believers, we are children of the Most High. The Creator of the Universe. He has never left our side. He loves each of us — every.one more than we can imagine!
By this very fact we are indeed WORTHY. We need not seek approval from others, live to please others, or put on a good show for love and attention. No. We are above that. We are beyond that.
We are worthy by virtue of God’s great love and generous grace available for us every moment of our lives. NO one can top that!
👋🏻Say GOODBYE to UNhealthy Relationships. Get TIPS to Transform Life One Relationship at a Time!
🧰 REAL LIFE Resources: https://www.restoringthebrokenplaces.com/realliferesources/
❤️🩹Relationships: All Things Considered | Things Dividing Us Could Bring Us Together
😩10 Things People Do To Ruin Relationships+BONUS TIPS To Stay On Track Building Better Relationships:
🧰 Selected REAL LIFE Resources Created to Help You Transform Life, One Relationship at a Time (LOTS Of FREEBIES & For Purchase): https://www.restoringthebrokenplaces.com/realliferesources
💌 Join Us for Inspiration+Resources: Tales From the Tightrope With Becky Cortino
Embracing lies as misguided life truths costs us dearly. Allowing lies to live with us enables them to impact every moment of our lives negatively. Entrusted with unlimited access, they wield significant influence, including our innermost thoughts. The sad result is not being free to live as our heavenly Father intended.
Kicking life-wrecking lies to the curb isn’t easy. But — living with lies is more challenging because it gives them direct control over life. In their presence, life becomes less about who we are, and more about the lies taking up residence with us, as uninvited guests.
In Kick Life-Wrecking Lies to the Curb, author Becky Cortino explains:
- How lies easily captivate hearts and minds everywhere
- 10 ways lies live with us for as long as we permit
- 7 principles for lie-free living
- Sure-fire steps to break free of lies – banishing them forever
After 5 years of research, study, writing, and hearing beautiful forgiveness stories, Becky’s book “Restoring the Broken Places in an Unforgiving World” was published in 2020. She then realized the great need to help hurting hearts address issues that create a fertile environment for pain-filled relationships and unwanted brokenness requiring grace. “Kick Life-Wrecking Lies to the Curb” begins this journey.
Isn’t it time to stand up to the lies and start living the life you were meant to live?
Don’t settle for less. Kick the lies to the curb and accept God’s best for your life!
Kick Life-Wrecking Lies to the Curb! is available wherever books are sold, including:

Christian Living Books About Relationships by Becky Cortino
MORE: When Spiritual Battles Happen…
#RelationshipsMatter #Worthy #LiveYourFaith