🌀WHEREVER you — and we — are today, this is NOT The End of the Story!
Some days it seems like the world blowing up everywhere and fires are ablaze all around us. To some it appears “the end is near” as doomsday sign-toting promoters predicted for ages. Let’s dial that all back and pause here for a moment to reflect…
Worry costs us dearly. Life becomes less about who we are as see happiness and freedom slip just out of reach. The painful result is too much time spent overthinking and long days filled with anxiety.
Do you find yourself wanting to stop thinking “when this is over, I’ll be able to…” Allowing worry to live with us negatively impacts every moment of our lives. This also affects the lives of those around us. It’s a real Joy stealer!
Everyone experiences moments of concern and yes — worry. Gaining a new perspective can end the ‘doom and gloom’ spiral. I have a powerful solution to share that will help you stop worrying about what’s next and start living again.
I know it’s hard to believe we don’t need to be overly concerned or work harder to “fix” problems and resolve challenges. This type of thinking is counter to how most of us live life. As a huge DIY’er myself I know — I’ve been there, too! In fact, it sounds downright lazy, when you think about it.
BUT the truth is we don’t have to worry about “what’s next” or struggle to make things better. Does this sound too good to be possible? It does! Let me share some inspiring insight I discovered that helped me understand how this can happen…
😃Here are encouraging words for anyone in the midst of life challenges and crazy-chaotic times so many are experiencing…
Let’s read this and I’ll meet you on the other side of the passage below:
“For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!
So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.”
~ 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 [New Living Translation]
🤷♀️HOW do we do this??? By reframing everything.
HOW we do this is by reframing everything not in the way we see/feel/think but rather with God’s perspective (through prayer and according to His Word). This allows us FREEDOM from being stuck in a place holding us captive. By letting go of where we are (or were), we are freed from a limiting mindset we placed on ourselves.
It’s easy to see things only with our own personal viewpoint. We’re sure we know everything surrounding an issue. In reality we’re armed only with part of the story. We’re not seeing the whole picture. It’s not possible.
Even so, we often feel fully confident to forge ahead making (what we believe to be) ‘informed’ decisions, taking ‘effective’ actions, basing it all on partial information. No surprise when this leads to mistakes and creating bigger messes!
The truth is we can’t know all there is to know. How humbling is the day when we discover we are much more limited than most of us want to admit!
When we are willing to let go of what holds us back from seeing things more clearly, we are able to consider issues more objectively. We can do this when fully embrace what our (yes — yours and my) heavenly Father has for us♥️He sees things differently. He sees the Big Picture. He knows what’s ahead!
When we seek Him first, He will bless us with insight and understandings we cannot gain entirely on our own.
We can rest assured He is faithful in keeping His promises. He never leaves us alone to fend for ourselves in a mess. He will hold us close, bringing us through.
You can rely on Him every time. We do this when we seek Him first, tossing our concerns to the side by embracing His guidance and wisdom. (SEE: 1 Chronicles 16:11) He’s waiting to hear from you. His solutions are always appropriate!
🤨And how do I know, you may wonder… I have emerged (maybe as you have) from heart-wrenching situations requiring effective answers …I have been presented with difficult life circumstances I could do nothing about to “fix” or personally ‘make better.’ These circumstances changed my life forever💔
As a follower of Christ, I got through them by relying on Him. In so doing, I experienced His Peace, comfort and protection shielding me throughout the ordeal and afterward.
Perhaps you have experienced this as well, and just needed to hear this encouraging reminder to help you on your way. If you have never sought His amazing wisdom and guidance through life’s hard spaces, I highly recommend!
My hope and prayer is anyone who needs to hear this message finds encouragement here for the journey ahead…
So if you’re having some hard times now, I hope you’ll consider handing it all over to The One Who is able. If you haven’t experienced this or find yourself caught up in a mess, I hope you’ll give this a try because God has an appropriate solution for any problem or situation you have♥️
🔭 Putting it all into perspective: Not diminishing even a bit of what’s going on in life right now — but: a moment in our life today is not even a blip on the timeline of human existence for all time. He has this! He loves all of us! I’m so glad He is in charge💜
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➡️ Kick Life-Wrecking Lies to the Curb! Letting Go of the Lies Keeping You From Living with Heart and Soul is available on AMAZON and LULUcom:
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