🛑 The Secret to STOP Worrying About What’s Next

🌀WHEREVER you — and  we — are today, this is NOT The End of the Story!

Some days it seems like the world blowing up everywhere and fires are ablaze all around us. To some it appears “the end is near” as doomsday sign-toting promoters predicted for ages. Let’s dial that all back and pause here for a moment to reflect…

Worry costs us dearly. Life becomes less about who we are as see happiness and freedom slip just out of reach. The painful result is too much time spent overthinking and long days filled with anxiety. 

Do you find yourself wanting to stop thinking “when this is over, I’ll be able to…” Allowing worry to live with us negatively impacts every moment of our lives. This also affects the lives of those around us. It’s a real Joy stealer! 

Everyone experiences moments of concern and yes — worry. Gaining a new perspective can end the ‘doom and gloom’ spiral. I have a powerful solution to share that will help you stop worrying about what’s next and start living again.

I know it’s hard to believe we don’t need to be overly concerned or work harder to “fix” problems and resolve challenges. This type of thinking is counter to how most of us live life. As a huge DIY’er myself I know — I’ve been there, too! In fact, it sounds downright lazy, when you think about it.

BUT the truth is we don’t have to worry about “what’s next” or struggle to make things better. Does this sound too good to be possible? It does! Let me share some inspiring insight I discovered that helped me understand how this can happen…

😃Here are encouraging words for anyone in the midst of life challenges and crazy-chaotic times so many are experiencing…

Let’s read this and I’ll meet you on the other side of the passage below:

“For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! 

So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.”

~ 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 [New Living Translation]

🤷‍♀️HOW do we do this??? By reframing everything.

HOW we do this is by reframing everything not in the way we see/feel/think but rather with God’s perspective (through prayer and according to His Word). This allows us FREEDOM from being stuck in a place holding us captive. By letting go of where we are (or were), we are freed from a limiting mindset we placed on ourselves.

It’s easy to see things only with our own personal viewpoint. We’re sure we know everything surrounding an issue. In reality we’re armed only with part of the story. We’re not seeing the whole picture. It’s not possible.

Even so, we often feel fully confident to forge ahead making (what we believe to be) ‘informed’ decisions, taking ‘effective’ actions, basing it all on partial information. No surprise when this leads to mistakes and creating bigger messes!

The truth is we can’t know all there is to know. How humbling is the day when we discover we are much more limited than most of us want to admit!

When we are willing to let go of what holds us back from seeing things more clearly, we are able to consider issues more objectively. We can do this when fully embrace what our (yes — yours and my) heavenly Father has for us♥️He sees things differently. He sees the Big Picture. He knows what’s ahead!

When we seek Him first, He will bless us with insight and understandings we cannot gain entirely on our own.

We can rest assured He is faithful in keeping His promises. He never leaves us alone to fend for ourselves in a mess. He will hold us close, bringing us through.

You can rely on Him every time. We do this when we seek Him first, tossing our concerns to the side by embracing His guidance and wisdom. (SEE: 1 Chronicles 16:11) He’s waiting to hear from you. His solutions are always appropriate!

🤨And how do I know, you may wonder… I have emerged (maybe as you have) from heart-wrenching situations requiring effective answers …I have been presented with difficult life circumstances I could do nothing about to “fix” or personally ‘make better.’ These circumstances  changed my life forever💔

As a follower of Christ, I got through them by relying on Him. In so doing, I experienced His Peace, comfort and protection shielding me throughout the ordeal and afterward. 

Perhaps you have experienced this as well, and just needed to hear this encouraging reminder to help you on your way. If you have never sought His amazing wisdom and guidance through life’s hard spaces, I highly recommend!

My hope and prayer is anyone who needs to hear this message finds encouragement here for the journey ahead…

So if you’re having some hard times now, I hope you’ll consider handing it all over to The One Who is able. If you haven’t experienced this or find yourself caught up in a mess, I hope you’ll give this a try because God has an appropriate solution for any problem or situation you have♥️

🔭 Putting it all into perspective: Not diminishing even a bit of what’s going on in life right now — but: a moment in our life today is not even a blip on the timeline of human existence for all time. He has this! He loves all of us! I’m so glad He is in charge💜

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📺 LivRadTV With Becky Cortino


🧰  RESOURCES: Selected REAL LIFE Resources Created to Help You Transform Life, One Relationship at a Time 

🛑 READ: Don’t settle for less! Kick the lies to the curb and start living the life you were meant to live — my newest book:

➡️ Kick Life-Wrecking Lies to the Curb! Letting Go of the Lies Keeping You From Living with Heart and Soul is available on AMAZON and LULUcom:

AMAZON Paperback

AMAZON Kindle eBook

• LULUcom

#RelationshipStruggles #ToxicRelationships #EmotionalAbuse #EmotionalAbuseSurvivor #KickLies #KickLifeWreckingLies 

#KickLiesToTheCurb #LiveWithHeartAndSoul 

😵 Let Us Not Forget: Satan IS The Great Prevaricator 

When someone betrays you or interferes with your life, remember some of the loudest voices are coming from the weakest, who feel they must shout to be heard. Often it’s not really about you, no matter what they say or do! In reality, its their cry for help… They are hurting and weak. In Christ, believers are strong. What we need to do…

Through his deceptive ploys, satan would love to wreck your relationships, destroy your life, make thriving feel difficult, steal your hope, causing you to believe anything -or- everything good is impossible! 

Why does he do this? Because he wants to fragment relationships, the foundation of our lives and culture, dash our believing in Hope and ruin lives any way he can. he revels in creating chaos and devastation by undermining order, efforts and institutions that positively impact lives, turning people against each other, isolating as many as he can, fueling hate and hopelessness.

🛑 WAIT: Isn’t satan powerful?

Here’s the deal: satan is not ever as powerful as our Creator (God), or God’s son Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. Never. 

As God’s children, we are in His care. We are never left alone to our own devices to do battle!

In Matthew 28:20b, Jesus promised He would never leave us, nor forsake us. He told His disciples He would be with them “to the very end of the age.” This is a promise that includes all believers. That’s you and me!

He said He would always be with us, so rest assured you are not all on your lonesome in a tough spot. Ever.

🛑 Here’s the thing we humans often forget: satan can only negatively impact us if we allow him! The lesson here is: be careful who you give the power to in your life. Don’t willingly see things his way because it sounds so good, or give up control over your own heart, mind and life to one who wishes only to bring pain and grief for as long as you allow.

🛑 Here’s what God’s Word says about that: 

“My dear children, you come from God and belong to God. You have already won a big victory over those false teachers, for the Spirit in you is far stronger than anything in the world. These people belong to the Christ-denying world. They talk the world’s language and the world eats it up. But we come from God and belong to God. Anyone who knows God understands us and listens. The person who has nothing to do with God will, of course, not listen to us. This is another test for telling the Spirit of Truth from the spirit of deception.” ~ 1 John 4:4-6 [The Message]

“Little children (believers, dear ones), you are of God and you belong to Him and have [already] overcome them [the agents of the antichrist]; because He who is in you is greater than he (Satan) who is in the world [of sinful mankind].” ~ 1 John 4:4 [Amplified]

“My children, you are a part of God’s family. You have stood against these false preachers and had power over them. You had power over them because the One Who lives in you is stronger than the one who is in the world.” ~  1 John 4:4-6 [New Life Version]

Our humanness often allows us to easily fall into a pit of despair, trip into an enticing opportunity, or to fall into a hidden trap. We may immediately feel the need to defend ourselves. In the heat of the moment, we react vehemently to harsh treatment with nasty words, be offended by a cunning (untrue) insinuation or come out slugging!

🧰 How to handle this? 

If (and when we do): recognize it and call it out for what it is — you (we) have been played by satan. That may be hard to admit! 1 Peter 5:8 describes him as “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” He is resolute and always seeking his next conquest. He aims to win. His every win is our loss in that moment.

❤️‍🩹Here’s a sure-fire two-fold remedy:

  1. Keep Jesus close in your life, relying on Him every moment for His guidance.
  2. Apply discernment and great care in your words, conversation and response.

Initially you may feel neither of these two strategies are naturally easy to apply. As you realize their effectiveness in practice is greater (versus stirring the boiling pot or adding more to the conflagration that has been ignited), you will discover you can fairly seamlessly transition over to a more appropriate response through Jesus, with His guidance.

🤨BUT — you may wonder how to know if someone is actually speaking the truth? 

How to know if you’re hearing from reliable, authentic source? 

According to Scripture in The Living Bible, in Matthew 24:4 Jesus warns us, “Don’t let anyone fool you.” Good advice, but in this crazy upside-down world-on-fire that is spinning out of control, HOW do we do this?

Reading a bit further describes how this can happen today, and has happened through the ages. As you read the following, please know I’m not supporting Eschatology by sharing this, because I believe what the Bible says about the end times in Matthew 24:36

Matthew 24:5-14 (New American Standard Bible) says:

“For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will mislead many people. And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pains.

Then they will hand you over to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. And at that time many will fall away, and they will betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will rise up and mislead many people. And because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will become cold. But the one who endures to the end is the one who will be saved. This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

😳Do you see what I see?

We can see many things He said would happen already seem to be… as well as the condition of the world He described… but let’s begin at the beginning: 

Jesus said “Take heed that no one deceives you” (Matthew 24:4, New King James Version). We must pray ongoing for God to give us the spirit of discernment, and understanding by reading His Word. We must seek Him first, above all else. Listen carefully for His still, small message to us above the fray, amidst all the world’s noise. In reality, some of the loudest voices are coming from the weakest, who feel they must shout to be heard.

Sometimes people attempt to influence others by promoting popular ways that are considered “modern” or based on contemporary thought. These new philosophies and current strategies may directly conflict biblical principles. Sometimes they may possibly veer just slightly off that path — but the person touting it is so trustworthy you may automatically embrace it without much further thought or question, accepting it as “ok,” too.

Please know I’m not saying anyone speaking deceitfully is “possessed.” I am saying people are often influenced in untoward ways for a variety of reasons. Some seek relevance when they feel powerless or invisible. Some greatly desire to be considered worthy of being a powerful influencer. Sometimes a hurtful person unwittingly presents themselves as being under the influence of satan simply by lying or betraying another. 

Satan does this manifesting even in the spirits of people. It is possible they became unduly influenced by falling for satan’s cleverly-disguised lies as truth and running with them. Some may not be aware they are promoting falsehoods. Others readily engage in fraud and treacherous activities for their own purposes. A lot of perceived power is wielded when untruths are poured out and not fact-checked — for now.

Some misguided people misrepresent themselves because they pay attention to what’s most important in the world. Theirs is a false god of all things worldly. In truth, it’s not about you or a real relationship with you. In other words, don’t take it personally — it’s not really about you, no matter what they say or do!

An example would be someone striving for proper aesthetic vibes through all the right optics in their social media posts and everyday personal life. Every picture and all content shows them in the most favorable light. They will do whatever it takes for that glamorous money shot. 

To further build themselves up, they may (selectively) zing others getting in their way (or as a show of power), every chance they get. They strive to climb still higher in prestige, power and rankings on the backs of others at their expense. Social media is a prime example of this. You’ve seen it…

🧑‍🔬The One True Litmus Test: to determine if someone is actually truthful? 

Let’s look to Scripture for reliable  insight on how to test if what you’re hearing is in fact from the true spirit of God:

“Here’s how you test for the genuine Spirit of God. Everyone who confesses openly his faith in Jesus Christ—the Son of God, who came as an actual flesh-and-blood person—comes from God and belongs to God. And everyone who refuses to confess faith in Jesus has nothing in common with God. This is the spirit of antichrist that you heard was coming. Well, here it is, sooner than we thought!” ~ 1 John 4:2-3 [The Message]

“and every spirit that does not confess Jesus [acknowledging that He has come in the flesh, but would deny any of the Son’s true nature] is not of God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming, and is now already in the world.” ~ 1 John 4:3 [Amplified]

“And every spirit that does not say Jesus has come in a human body is not from God. It is the teaching of the false-christ. You have heard that this teaching is coming. It is already here in the world.” 1 John 4:3 [New Life Version]

“Those false teachers are a part of the world. They speak about the things of the world. The world listens to them.” 1 John 4:5 [New Life Version]

✔️ACTION “On-the-spot” Checklist:

🛑 STOP! Recognize this for what it is.

Call on Jesus in that moment: Pray.

Follow His guidance. 

Then, be done with it.

🥰 BENEFITS of this — you can:

  • save yourself (and others) heartache.
  • avoid potential future discomfort.
  • build healthier relationships.
  • pour cold water on smoking discord. 
  • unleash what is right and true.
  • quelch the fire on the spot.

When we live God’s Way, we have a better life — and we please Him!

😭 SIDE NOTE: Here’s the really sad thing about all this:

You’re probably wondering why I’d include this here, but it’s because this all gets down to relationship. Honestly, everything does. True ‘relationship’ always involves more than “me.” Too often “me-first” is pushed by whomever sparks the fire.  All relationships begin with our relationship with God. We are all individually wired for connection and relationship. It is part of who we are, as God purposefully created each of us to be.

FIRST: Dealing with life challenges involves our relationship with God. 

These are golden personal development, character-building opportunities in the making! God is giving us an occasion to grow into the person we are meant to be by relying on Him (not self), as we learn discernment, self-control, extending grace and truly loving others through it all. In this way we grow closer to Him, build our spiritual muscles, and honor Him.

I can attest that this can be done through Him because I have frequently turned to Him in times like these. In the process, I learned the blessings of wisdom and knowledge by leaning into Him. 

Might I ever slip? Yes. Can I do better? Yes. You, too! Through Him all things are possible (Matthew 19:26) — including forgiveness for great offenses. Free yourself from them today, if not already! 

💔How to FORGIVE and WHY: What You NEED To KNOW in UNDER 90-Seconds! 

I assure you when you work through hard places His way you will be amazed how much more effective it is rather than attempting all the heavy lifting by yourself — eventually making matters worse, or with little positive outcome. 

SECONDLY: There is incredible power in His Ways! 

His ways speak to eyes that will see and ears that will hear in ways that we could never on our own. The effects of His ways are lasting! 

For instance, if a truth has been covered over, or attempted to be buried, know it will not remain hidden for long! Luke 8:17 (New International Version) assures us:

“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.”

Incredibly, His speaking or unearthing a truth may well be quietly spoken but it will be undeniably, irrevocably apparent. It will be beyond question even to those who would have thought otherwise. I have seen this happen!

His revelation of it, by whatever means God chooses, will speak more powerfully than if you were to launch an all-out no-holds barred very expensive advertising campaign worldwide, hoping to win hearts and minds.

A double-blessing pours over us when we see how we handle a troubling matter in step with Him. This makes our heavenly Father pleased. It’s amazing!

THIRDLY: May we humbly remember WHY these things happen — it’s because we are ALL human. 

Like it or not, we are all in this human experience called “life” together. Our Creator and heavenly Father has given it to all of us, as His children — each and every one!

He loves every one of us. No exceptions. None. Ever. Everybody always!*

*(I’m incredibly saddened to say some people are disappointed by this Truth😭I know this because they told me! Please don’t let this be you!)

When bad things happen, a spiritual battle is initiated when someone:

  1. has fallen away from/or not embraced a true relationship with God.
  2. holds personal priorities, principles, dreams above all (material gain, etc).
  3. has low self-esteem, inwardly feels unworthy of receiving blessings.
  4. needs to present themselves as perfect or powerful.
  5. is having personal problems and needs intervention (mental, drugs, alcohol).

FREE Yourself From the PAIN Caused By HURTFUL People

🤦‍♀️ What if things don’t turn out as we want or might expect? 

Sometimes, even when we’ve carefully (and prayerfully) worked through everything we knew we should do by following God’s guidance — this can happen. When it does, it is truly disappointing. I know that pain. Have you been there, too?

Standing back from it, being honest with ourselves, we could also realize this may be a situation where we put our heart’s desire on the line. We did this by perhaps putting the matter first, above seeking God’s Will for it. The result is our disappointment for the outcome differing from what we believed it would or should be. 

But WAIT — there’s MORE!

Hold on — this is right now. Today. And this is “us.

Remember God is in this with us for our entire lifetime — for the long haul. It’s not just for this moment in time. 

No matter how smart we are, we don’t know what tomorrow brings. An everyday example is forecasting the weather. If we’re honest, no one has done a highly reliable job telling us when it will rain or snow or… you name it! 

Case-in-point: many residents and ski resorts here in North Carolina were stunned when we got hit with a BIG beautiful but unexpected snowfall on January 19, 2024! Which of course begs the question of the accuracy of any forecasting programs dealing with proposed future climate conditions we really couldn’t know about if we don’t know what tomorrow brings… and if we’re honest, we know God as Creator of the Universe is in control of all of it anyway. The cherry on top is… in our area, while always hoped for, snow is a rarity. It is so rare that a snow day is often regarded as an event worth celebrating — and is!

I speak from experience here, because on more than one occasion, I’ve asked Him “why” or to please help me with something I’m struggling with. Yet, while some things seemed to improve, the situation remained at an uncomfortable impasse. Sometimes for YEARS. At times like that, we may not understand, but in my experience, waiting on Him in His timing contains unexpected blessings!

Out of the blue one day, I became aware of a personally hurtful situation I couldn’t do anything about. Very soon after that painful reveal, He spoke to my heart saying, “See how I am protecting you.” Indeed. 

Thank you, Father!*

LASTLY: So remember — as believers, Jesus always has our back:

In Matthew 28:20b, Jesus told us: “I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.” [The Message]

We can rest in this! We can rely on His promises because in God’s great love and graciousness, He is faithful in keeping all of His promises. 

As believers, we are assured His Power is in us — and we have a responsibility:

“If Christ lives in you, you will live. Though your body will die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life. The Spirit does this because you have been made right with God. The Spirit of the God who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you. So the God who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your bodies. He will do this because of his Spirit who lives in you. Brothers and sisters, we have a duty. Our duty is not to live under the power of sin.” ~ Romans 8:10-12 [New International Reader’s Version]

*PROLOGUE: Following up to His speaking to my heart about His protection, He reminded me He was secluding me from hearing painful poison-laden words (many of which I have endured most of my life. His grace covered me).

The flip side of this revelation: I was reminded at least one of the individuals involved was someone I identified long ago and now once again, as ONE to pray for during Bible Study class last fall 🥺Oh my!

Well I had prayed. But not often enough💔I don’t believe my prayers would’ve been instrumental in completely repairing the situation. While restoration remains always as my heart hope, I realize it will take His Hand for that to happen.

Honestly, my prayers may not have averted the vicious rhetoric either. However, I knew I was to pray for this person and I didn’t pray ongoing for them. That’s on me and within my own control.

Our heavenly Father works far more effectively than we do and never lets anything go to waste. While He was pointing out to me He is aware of this situation, assuring me He is standing with me, He also reminded me of my responsibility of praying for this person. He used even this bad moment in my life, for His good.

So now I’m understanding this matter to be of great importance. I do need to pray for them, and they need me to, as well. Like NOW. Not even whenever I get around to it or just happen to remember. (Have you been there?!) Apparently this matter is that urgent. Nothing I do otherwise could possibly be more important. I got the message!

I know this because ever since, I’ve received reminders calling me to pray on their behalf. I must! Romans 8:10-12 mandates this responsibility.

🙏🏻Who is your ONE to pray for? Join me in a prayer vigil. No time like NOW!

This supports a life truth I have learned and share all the time: “You really CAN transform your life one relationship at a time!” 

While it’s NOT all about ‘me’ that’s where it begins… and our relationship with our loving heavenly Father… emanating out from there to others.


💔 When Life HURTS: Living Forward In Love

❤️‍🩹 ABOUT Relationships & Forgiveness:

📖☕Restoring the Broken Places in an Unforgiving World (book & ebook) — available on Amazon and wherever books and ebooks are sold👍🏻

🤩Kick Life-Wrecking Lies to the Curb! Letting Go of the Lies Keeping You From Living with Heart and Soul (book & ebook)


“Jesus said, “Watch out for doomsday deceivers. Many leaders are going to show up with forged identities, claiming, ‘I am Christ, the Messiah.’ They will deceive a lot of people. When reports come in of wars and rumored wars, keep your head and don’t panic. This is routine history; this is no sign of the end. Nation will fight nation and ruler fight ruler, over and over. Famines and earthquakes will occur in various places. This is nothing compared to what is coming.” ~ Matthew 24:4-8 [The Message]

MORE: How Can you Have a Thankful Heart at a Time Like This?

HOW Can You Have Thankful Heart At A Time Like THIS?

💔A Thankful Heart At a Time Like This??!

How sweet, how wonderful —  to hear these beautiful words:Life is precious!” from a loved one recently💕Indeed! 

This is an important and touching reminder for all of us because it’s essential to look at what we engage ourselves in, as well as its impact on life: our time spent. It’s important to consider this ongoing, not just when the year is “new,” during the month of January!

I could work all day and call it “life”  (and often have), or I could “play” all day and feel overwhelmingly “behind” in all I think I must do (as I often believed) and feeling life was diminished, not made better by my time away. Can you relate?

These encouraging words come at an interesting moment in time, during increasingly uncertain days. Upheaval, unwarranted hatred and turmoil are erupting everywhere have become a global epidemic.

I’m thankful we really can look beyond all the dark contentiousness swirling about to see what is right and true. Like a single candle glowing silently in the dark, this gives all with eyes to see and hearts to gladly receive needed HOPE.

Through disappointments, pain, struggle and chaos we always have Hope. Peace is found there. “and hope does not disappoint.” ~ Romans 5:5 [NASB]

Life IS precious!

📖In journaling the Word today, my verse was Psalm 138:2-3. I love the Scripture summary: A Thankful Heart” [CSB], which said it so well. It is where I am right now… 

“Thank you! Everything in me says “Thank you!” Psalm 138:1a [MSG]

I am thankful for all. I’m thankful for all His blessings and unlimited answered prayers ongoing — SO many answered! And so many answered in AMAZING ways♥️ So I say

“I kneel in worship facing your holy temple
    and say it again: “Thank you!”
Thank you for your love,
    thank you for your faithfulness;
Most holy is your name,
    most holy is your Word.
The moment I called out, you stepped in;
    you made my life large with strength.” 

~ Psalm 138: 2-3 [MSG]

AMEN. Indeed He did! He does! He will! He is!

Thank you, Father! I’m sharing this today to proclaim your Holy Name, to give thanks for all, and to share this for those who need a word of encouragement♥️

MORE VERSIONS of this Scripture:

“I will bow down toward your holy temple
and give thanks to your name
for your constant love and truth.
You have exalted your name
and your promise above everything else.

On the day I called, you answered me;
you increased strength within me.”

~ Psalm 138:2-3 [Christian Standard Bible]


“I bow before your holy Temple as I worship.
    I praise your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness;
for your promises are backed
    by all the honor of your name.

As soon as I pray, you answer me;
    you encourage me by giving me strength.”

~ Psalm 138:2-3 [New Living Translation]


“I will bow down [in worship] toward Your holy temple
And give thanks to Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth;
For You have magnified Your word together with Your name.

On the day I called, You answered me;
And You made me bold and confident with [renewed] strength in my life.”

~ Psalm 138:2-3 [Amplified Bible]


“I will bow down toward Your holy temple
and give thanks to Your name
for Your constant love and truth.
You have exalted Your name
and Your promise above everything else.

On the day I called, You answered me;
You increased strength within me.” 

~ Psalm 138:2-3 [Holman Christian Standard Bible]


“Thank you! Everything in me says “Thank you!”
    Angels listen as I sing my thanks.

I kneel in worship facing your holy temple

and say it again: “Thank you!

Thank you for your love,

thank you for your faithfulness;

Most holy is your name,

most holy is your Word.

The moment I called out, you stepped in;

you made my life large with strength.” 

~ Psalm 138:1-3 [The Message]

22 years ago, on the Saturday following 9-11…

This was the week September 11th was remembered by many. It really stirs the heart and memories looking back, doesn’t it? I’m sure you have a lot of memories packed-away about this infamous day. We’ll never forget, will we? 

Some precious memories of the days that followed came to mind this week, as I remembered garden friends gathering in our Herbal Treasures Garden for a previously-scheduled event turned prayer gathering right in the middle of the garden.


A beautiful glow was cast on our Herbal Treasures of Hickory Hollow Garden by the golden September sunshine. Peace and calm filled our lovely garden. It was a lively place as butterflies flitted about, the bees were buzzily busy doing their thing as birds joyously sang their little sweet hearts out.

Like a last-minute hug before leaving for a long time, life felt secure and assured that all was well as we launched into the day. This morning was so especially gorgeous, it belied the potential evil lurking in the corners of the day. Looking back, it seemed impossible this serene day could take the turn it did in mere hours on 9-11.

22 years ago, on the Saturday afternoon following 9-11, a group of women gathered in our Herbal Treasures of Hickory Hollow Garden. It was September 15th. As the last big event of the 2001 gardening season, it was the grand finale.

This garden gathering had been planned months before. The program offered sweet fellowship time and sharing about our family’s visit to the Chelsea Flower Show — the ultimate garden party! Special refreshments included serving Sticky Toffee Pudding, a delight we discovered on our trip (long before becoming an internet sensation).

The Infamous Day Life Changed Forever

On 9-11 (Tuesday) life changed forever for the United States, and dare I say also the world. The life-altering events of that day impacted every aspect of life, immediately including regular schedules, special plans and everyday life as we knew it.

By Wednesday, I knew I had to decide whether to go forward with our planned event or not. After prayerful consideration, we determined we must continue with our plans. Press on we did!

The women gathered in quiet anticipation of needed time with others in a loving safe space — our garden. These are women of faith. Standing together in the center of the garden, we prayed deeply that day. We prayed over the horrific events unleashing unexpected destruction that week.

There were so many needs to cover with prayer, that it was almost difficult to know where to begin. We prayed for our country, leaders, and all who were touched by the unfolding horrors: affected families… destroyed businesses… lost lives… bystanders harmed, and the cities and areas affected. The list grew on!

He Holds The Whole World In His Hands

That day, each sweet lady left her 9-11 related concerns at Jesus’ feet right there in the garden. While we had difficulty finding all the words, He was there with us, as well (as with everyone calling out to Him everywhere). He is among us and He hears us, sees us, and knows us.

Jesus was with all of us wherever we were on the fateful day of 9-11. Before the dark events caused such a tragic outcome and in the aftermath, He was present. He continues to stay close to all of us today.

Jesus heard all the cries, saw our tears, witnessed the pain and unimaginable desecration. He brought us together with one another to get through the excruciating pain and dark uncertain days that followed. We found we were better together.

People were seeking answers. They needed assurances. They wanted something they could hold onto that was secure in this world gone mad. The truth is, we always are looking for these things. In the topsy-turvy days following 9-11, this quest spread like wildfire!

We Always Have Hope, Even Amidst the Ashes

There are many things we can count on:

  • Life is always uncertain.
  • Evil exists in the world.
  • Our pain and struggles are real.
  • Even on dark days, we are never alone.
  • Every day of our lives, Jesus is with us.
  • God loves all deeply (even bad guys).
  • He keeps His promises.
  • God — NEVER man — is “in charge.”
  • Evil will be punished.
  • Hope is found in Him, for all our needs.
  • God hears our prayers and knows us.
  • God answers our prayers in His time.
  • His Will, His Plan supersedes man’s.
  • God uses even bad things for His good.
  • Man will NOT have “the last word.”

The truth is: even in our darkest days, we are never alone. God is with us. Jesus stands by us and will go forward with us as we press on through it all.

In Deuteronomy 31:6, Scripture tells us:

“Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.” (MSG)

“Be strong and courageous; don’t be terrified or afraid of them. For the LORD your God is the one who will go with you; he will not leave you or abandon you.” (CSB)

“Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or in dread of them, for the LORD your God is the One who is going with you. He will not desert you or abandon you.” (ASB)

“So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” (NLT)

MORE ABOUT Herbal Treasures of Hickory Hollow

At Christmastime…

Christmastime Brings All Hearts Home

If even for just a moment, Christmastime brings all hearts home, pausing to remember:

  • happy times
  • happier times
  • what once was
  • what life was like, before…
  • ________ (you fill in the blank)

The memories may be heart-warming, affirming joyful times with family, friends, and loved ones.

Or the memories may rekindle angst and hurt felt during those times (or still feel, thinking back).

You may be surprised when those once-happy sweet, special moments suddenly turn into a stinging source of pain, piercing your heart with every remembrance. 

Take heart — all of these reactions, feelings, and emotions are normal! We are human. This is how we roll! 

Believers and unbelievers alike, Christmastime brings all hearts home, if even for just a moment:

  • it gives us that moment to pause amidst the blowout holiday sales and heavy party schedule or the darkness of long, lonely days.
  • during this small space of time between the old and new years, it gives us a moment to reflect upon life, this year, the way things are, and what we hope will be.

♥️Christmastime brings believers and unbelievers alike:

  • Comfort, if there is pain.
  • Peace, the assurance we are never alone.
  • Joy, knowing we are always loved (unconditionally), more than we could ever imagine. 
  • Hope, knowing God has a plan to prosper each of us. With Him all things are possible! 

We are securely held in His love with a bright future if we accept His gracious invitation to receive the greatest gift freely given to all:

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.” ~ John 3:16-17 [The Living Bible]

He is the way, the truth, and the light to help you through your darkest days. He will stand with you as you celebrate your greatest joys! 

Over the last 7 years, I have created resources to help you and those you care about, wherever you are in your life at this moment:

❤️‍Broken2Breakthrough – You CAN Transform Your Life One Relationship at a Time! https://Broken2Breakthrough.com

♥️Resources for REAL Life: http://Resources4RealLife.Broken2Breakthrough.com

Building Healthy Relationships and Finding Forgiveness: http://ForgivenessBook.BeckyCortino.org

Let’s KICK those Life-wrecking Lies to the Curb (we all have them!) and all have a better New Year, please??

NEW: Kick Life-Wrecking Lies to the Curb! Letting Go of the Lies Keeping You From Living with Heart and Soul:

Additional favorite versions of John 3:16-17 and John 3:16-18

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” ~ John 3:16-17 [NIV]

“This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it. And why? Because of that person’s failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to him.” ~ John 3:16-18 [The Message]

#BecauseRelationshipsMatter #RelationshipsMatter #Relationships #KickLies #KickLiesToTheCurb #MindsetReset #Broken2Breakthrough

Forgiveness is Possible

I’m so pleased to share with you that a feature I wrote, entitled “Forgiveness is Possible,” is published in the beautiful Sweet To The Soul FAITH Magazine Spring 2022 “Grace” issue!

Since publishing Restoring the Broken Places in an Unforgiving World, my goal and heart mission is sharing the important message of forgiveness and grace.

In all I write, speak and do — all forms of media, all the time — I endeavor to offer encouragement to everyone for finding forgiveness, clarity for getting to grace, and assuring all that forgiveness is possible. That’s why I am thrilled to have my article “Forgiveness is Possible” published in Sweet To The Soul FAITH Magazine’s Grace issue!

This issue of Sweet To The Soul FAITH is about God’s glorious grace… containing 140 full-color pages of faith-based inspiration, including articles, devotionals, Scripture reading lists, recipes, life management, Bible Art Journaling, creative resources and more!

Becky Cortino Grace Article
Forgiveness is Possible article by author Becky Cortino is featured in the GRACE issue of Sweet to the Soul Ministry FAITH Magazine, Spring 2022 edition.

Throughout this issue, tender hearts share about real-life experiences and struggles. Struggles to forgive others and even harder sometimes, to forgive ourselves… also stories of supernatural hope found in the most difficult of times, hope which only God can supply.

Articles include:

• Spiritual Complacency and How to Renew Your Focus

• Finding Freedom from Your Past

• Hanging on to Threadbare Hope

• When Life Seems Hopeless 

• How to Share Your Faith Story

• Praying for an Open Door

• Gospel Foundations for Your Finances

• Letting Go of Clutter for Good

• How to Bullet Journal

• So much more!

This is one of the most beautiful magazines of its type I’ve seen. The content is truly inspirational. Much food for thought, study and encouragement is reliably found between the covers of this quarterly magazine!

☕️ MORE: Information and To Purchase:

Sweet To The Soul FAITH Magazine “Grace” Issue

 MORE BY: Becky Cortino, LivRad Publishing Featured Author

The Most Powerful Tool I Use Daily

The Most Powerful Tool I Use Daily (In Addition to Prayer and Reading the Bible)

Setting goals and making plans is exciting! For many, the mere thought of simply beginning in the moment to transform life is a beautiful dream sure to be realized. Our dream destination may take us to where we’d rather be, feel led to be, or know is the next right place to be. However it calls to us, the dream is compelling enough to get us fired up for the work ahead.

When we’re all in, our dedication to purpose and hard work in achieving established goals is rewarding. Initially, we may not grow weary with the required heavy lifting. The dream promises a bright future and new adventure. It energizes us, because we are 110% sold out on achieving it!

Embarking on a new endeavor or heading in a new life direction can be daunting. We need clarity to determine what we hope to accomplish. What is the result we seek? What is the expected outcome?

We need to be sure of what is be required to assure our success. Developing astrategic, workable plan, with a realistic timeline and system of  checkpoints helps to put us on the right course.

But wait… there’s more!

I used to create business plans for clients as a professional consultant. I know the mechanics of building a plan, as well as the pitfalls of carrying it out. There really is much more to planning than all this logical, step-by-step, work-the-system approach. I went through the additional steps with my clients, and they always thanked me for it, because they were ready to walk out of my office and get to work on their new project.

The something more is digging in deeply and really soul-searching about your plans, dreams, hopes and fears before you take the first step toward your goal. I do mean before you begin to work that brand new shiny plan. 

You cannot truly be 110% in, if you don’t. If you don’t deeply consider it all, you’re simply sold on the dream itself, not all that comes with it, including the inevitable life changes. It’s the visual aspect of it that is drawing you in, not the reality it brings.

For my clients, I had a formatting that walked them through the steps, bringing them to the other side, so they could contemplate all of this deep stuff on their own. I remember helping one client who wanted to establish a new service business who, after presenting their plan, determined not to proceed (due to perceived risks). Please know I was (still am) in the business of encouragement and supporting viable efforts.

In my personal and business projects, I have found a solution that turns out to be the most powerful tool I use daily, in addition to prayer and reading the Bible. This is not a wild claim — I can prove it! I want to share it with you, but first a story to illustrate how powerful this tool can be…

In November, 2019, I registered for a conference I wanted to attend for years. The founder had personally invited me in 2014. Unfortunately for me, her invitation came after I had already attended 3 conferences that year. I had to turn her down, knowing I wasn’t in a situation to effectively apply what I would learn there. Five years later, I knew it was my time to attend.

I’m very particular about conference-going. Attending conferences for me is entirely purpose-driven. Prior to any conference, I establish goals to achieve while there, and specific outcomes in attending. Before committing to a schedule or track, I plan how to accomplish them within the confines of the event. 

At all conferences, I take copious notes and work through what I learn at each afterward, before planning to attend another. In 2014, each conference I attended was on an entirely different subject, so I justified spending the resources. Packing in so much over a few months, made me feel like conference attending was again becoming an unwanted career, after too many years on the road and countless air miles with a heavy convention/meeting schedule coast-to-coast and internationally during my marketing days. 

In 2019, the conference website featured a list of 18 keywords on the homepage. This intrigued me, because they represented what the conference was about and what was offered. I wondered how I could use them?

I decided these words would be an excellent source of preparation for the conference. I believed the most effective use of them (for me) was to select one (or two related words) each week, fully considering them and what they meant to me in my endeavors. 

My goal was two-fold: 

  1. To be fully prepared as an active participant at the conference. 
  2. To get the most out of the conference, making best use of the time and my resources.

To accomplish these goals, I scheduled the list of  keywords over the course of the 17 weeks prior to the conference. I journaled weekly on the selected word(s) of the week:

  • I wrote about what the word meant to me. 
  • I prayed about it for me (and others), as I worked toward getting ready for the gathering. 
  • I prayed for God’s guidance and direction in it all, and for His blessing. 

After journalling and prayer over the chosen word, in preparation for the conference:

  • I laid out specific steps needed to take that week.
  • I knew planning my work and working that plan, I would be ready.

When the time arrived for our conference I was indeed 110% ready, with all materials I needed in a nice, neat package. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more ready to attend a conference! 

Unfortunately for all of us, COVID-19 also arrived and was looming, threatening to shut everything down. Which (as you well know) happened. It was crushing, but I held on to the promise of the conference being rescheduled. Knowing it was my time to attend, I waited.

The conference was rescheduled later in the year. A month prior to the event, I had to cancel,  due to the health concerns my family had, with potential risks posed by COVID. I honored their request, but was profoundly heartbroken to not attend. 

God’s faithfulness is so great! While I felt very much led to attend that conference, and in the end couldn’t due to circumstances beyond my control, He brought me through to the other side of my broken heartedness of missing-out on what I wanted, and He blessed me with what I most needed.

We don’t see what He sees, nor could ever know all God knows. In fact, we only see such a small part, our walking with Him in faith is the only way to get through. (2 Corinthians 5:7) How humbling to hear Him say to my heart one fine spring day in 2021, “See how I am answering your prayers!” Indeed I did, and I am blessed!

Journalling has been a big part of my life. As you can see keeping a journal — even a short-term special topic or subject journal — serves well in providing clarity and guidance. 

Journalling The Word can help us through challenging times. Keeping a journal can help us explore complex issues and make valuable personal discoveries so we can move forward with greater clarity. My 9th book, ThGrace Daily Challenge Journal, is designed to help readers and writers explore what the Bible says about grace and finding forgiveness, as they journal The Word. 

Grace Daily Journal

The Grace Daily Challenge Journal is designed to create a personally-enriching, meaningful journalling experience with:

  • 1,020 Bible verses organized according to topic as journalling The Word prompts. 
  • Chapter introductions set focus through topical discussion related to forgiveness.
  • Content is presented to encourage journalling based on personal interest and study preference.
  • Journalling tips are included, to make the most of the journalling experience.

MORE About : The Grace Daily Challenge Journal (Paperback and eBook)

6 Tips for Creating an Enriching Personal Retreat at Home

Plan a Personal Retreat

For many of us the thought of being able to get away for a retreat sounds enticing, but seems impossible. Amidst the crush of every day crowded with unplanned challenges and schedule pressures, we find ourselves running on empty (or on a dangerously low reserve) of energy for much-needed soul care. 

Unfortunately when we need it most, resources and a margin of time often don’t permit us to attend a retreat. Conferences and fellowshipping (online and in real life) are wonderful, but when schedule allows, personal budgets don’t always stretch to cover registration, travel and hotel stays.    

Sometimes we realize the need for refreshment and a space for time away will help us regain focus, restore energy. Rather than not addressing our own personal soul care because it seems impossible in this season…

Here are 6 tips for creating an enriching personal retreat at home:

  1. PREPARE: Pray for refreshment to come, God’s direction in planning the right setting and topic to explore in your time with Him.
  2. PURPOSE: Determine the needs you want to address. Find a book, sermon series, Bible verse, devotional that speaks to your heart.
  3. PLAN: Select a day, blocking-out a time period of 2-3 hours (if possible). As needed, include childcare or necessary adult care. 
  4. SETTING: Choose an appealing environment conducive for your hoped-for  enrichment.
  5. IMMERSE: Once in retreat mode, turn off all notifications, put a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door — and settle in!
  6. EMERGE: After your retreat, may you be blessed with greater clarity, refreshment, renewed hope, defined purpose and clear direction. 

Here are 6 ideas to encourage refreshment and clarity in your personal retreat:

  • Deep-dive mini-study of a topic, sermon series or a Bible Study. 
  • Select a key Bible verse (or verses), and during your time:
  1. Journal about it (or them), as extensively as your heart wants to roam.
  2. Bible Journal, as a visually creative activity to delve into the topic.
  3. Bullet Journal your study, for note taking, recoding discoveries.  
  4. Create Bible verse, prayer or personal reflection cards.

RECOMMENDED RESOURCE: As a ready resource of Bible verses organized by topic, including journalling tips and ideas we recommend The Grace Daily Journal:

The Grace Daily Journal

#RelationshipsMatter #ChristianLifestyle #Encouragement #SoulCare #SelfCare #PersonalCare #Forgiveness #RestoringTheBrokenPlaces #GraceDaily #PlanningARetreat #PersonalRetreat #PersonalGetaway #LivingALifeOfJoy Even in the face of adversity #BattlingBurnout

ABOUT: Becky Cortino – Encourager, Author, Presenter, YouTuber and Tightrope Walker

Becky Cortino International Speaker and Author

Becky Cortino is an author, inspirational speaker and tightrope walker. She has authored 10 books and is a longtime featured presenter.
 Her new book (number 8), RESTORING THE BROKEN PLACES IN AN UNFORGIVING WORLD, is about Forgiveness. 

A multi-platform professional writer throughout her career creating marketing/sales and promotional content for clients commercially, in addition to promoting causes and information campaigns. Her tradition of multiple-platform communication continues today.

Becky has written for, her words have been published and broadcast over every form of media. Her first 7 books are based on ministries she and her family participated in for over 20 years. 

Resulting from her writing and book publishing efforts, public speaking and presentation opportunities domestically and internationally developed.  Audiences range from small events, to business community member audiences (up to 500 in attendance).

A longtime presenter featuring a series of edutraining programs, Becky also presented special track training workshops at an international conference. She recently offered a special program to a delighted audience in southeastern Europe.

Becky is a featured collaborator in 2 published books on the subjects of Injecting Healing Humor in Healthcare, and Herbs, to benefit causes and nonprofits (on the national/global platform).

She wrote a piece on work that looks like play and hearts touched by the hospital humor ministry she and her family served in for nearly 14 years. It was featured in What’s Right in Healthcare, a special edition created to inspire those in the front lines of healthcare. This book was published in 2007.

Herb Society of America’s Essential Guide to Growing and Cooking with Herbs, benefitting The National Herb Garden (now in 3rd reprint and available in Kindle eBook Edition), was published in 2007. Becky’s contribution was an offshoot of her Herbal Treasures Of Hickory Hollow women’s ministry, and her homeschooling family’s garden adventure.

Becky collaborated on a third book for women in business: Behind Her Brand, Entrepreneur Edition, Volume 5 in 2016. Her contribution was based on her marketing and public relations consultancy business and digital marketing experience.

Since 1999, Becky has published several books, countless eBooks and many websites, creating content ongoing – ‘blogging’ before there were blogs! (Blogging officially beginning in 2004, when suitable platforms were available.)

She has presented numerous training programs, coached and helped area churches, by personally encouraging the Christian community to establish Christian Creative Arts Ministry as a regular activity and special event, enhancing outreach and mission trip efforts, to impact lives.

To support this important outreach work, Becky authored 2 in-depth books on the topic of establishing Christian Creative Arts Ministry. In addition to her books to further prepare and equip these ministries, she created digital media resources. Becky created and developed 15 online multi-media training courses. She began offering online training and resources in 2002.

A media maker with professional experience in all forms of media including New, Social and Traditional. Becky began podcasting in 2008, hosting several internet BlogTalk Radio Shows collaboratively and on her own. Since 2008, she created a branded series of videos for her books on her YouTube channels featuring related original niche content.

In February 2020, speaker and author Becky Cortino established LivRad, a speaking and writing ministry charged with the mission of “Encouraging Words for Hurting People.”

MORE ABOUT:  Becky Cortino 

Becky Cortino Books + Media (Links):
AMAZON Author: Becky Cortino Books + Media on AMAZON

Becky’s Newest Book About Forgiveness: Restoring the Broken Places 

JOIN ME??? 🌝Tales From The Tightrope!

Becky Cortino Social Links:

Becky Cortino Facebook Page
@BeckyCortino on Twitter
Becky Cortino on LinkedIn
Becky Cortino on Pinterest
Becky Cortino on Instagram
Becky Cortino Channel (YouTube)

#BlueRidgeChristianAuthor #SheSpeaks #SpeakUp #ChristianCommunicator

More About: Becky Cortino Books and Presentations

PLEASE NOTE: In light of the rapidly-changing COVID-19 situation and varying mandates, Becky Cortino Speaking Engagement Information, including Presentation Topics, and Booking Details are not available.

Friend, do you have a calling you feel is tugging on your heart to answer? Click here for some encouragement especially for you!

More About: RESTORING THE BROKEN PLACES IN AN UNFORGIVING WORLD, Becky’s book about forgiveness http://ForgivenessBook.BeckyCortino.org

In These Uncertain Days

In these uncertain days, as tumultuous turns of unfathomable events stir us to feel restless in staying where we are and yet, unsure where we should go… It’s difficult to watch catastrophes unfold, feeling helpless as we stand by. Deciding the next right thing is difficult amidst the din of chaos…

The good news is we are never hopeless, for the one true God is always with us and He will lead the way! In fact, He doesn’t want His children (that’s you and me) to worry! Can you imagine?! He loves us all so much, He wants us to continue living our lives, resting in Him when things get crazy and the going is tough, and know He’ll handle it. .

In fact, He’ll make it better beyond our belief, using the world’s bad for His good. He is able to bring about remarkable  transformations, unimaginable blessings, showering His children with His gracious goodness.

“So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time.” (Matthew 6:34 TLB)

“So do not worry about tomorrow; it will have enough worries of its own. There is no need to add to the troubles each day brings.” (Matthew 6:34 GNT)

“Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will have its own worries. The troubles we have in a day are enough for one day.” (Matthew 6:34 NLV)

“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.” (Matthew 6:34 MSG)

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34 NIV)

MORE: Restoring the Broken Places in an Unforgiving World

RESOURCES: Journalling The Word can help us through challenging times. Keeping a journal can help us explore complex issues and make valuable personal discoveries so we can free ourselves from our pain. My 9th book, The Grace Daily Challenge Journal, is designed to help readers and writers explore what the Bible says about grace and finding forgiveness, as they Journal The Word.

MEET Becky Cortino