Hopefully you’re well, enjoying some things missed during 2020.
We’ve missed a lot during the pandemic, haven’t we?
My family and I are definitely ready to enjoy more, although we’re finding the ‘adjustment’ process going a little slower than expected. I don’t know why I thought throwing off that mask and running free would be so easy? It sure sounded easier! I remember when living mask-free was easy.
It certainly is easier! I’m so NOT missing disinfecting every.thing brought into our home, quarantining the mail in the garage for a few days before opening it, and suiting up with mask and gloves to go to the grocery store? Whew! As ‘experts’ predicted, I can see all this may take time to process, gain some distance from it, and establish new best practices (as needed). I’m grateful for even slow progress through these topsy-turvy times.
Philippians 4:6-7 offers a reminder: “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let your petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” [The Message]
Feeling “settled down,” after being on high alert for over a year?
If you’re not, take heart. In a recent conversation with friends, they shared after all that has gone into pressing through this pandemic has left them feeling like they’re running nearly on empty right now.
They (probably like you, and also like me) have been caring for others, taking additional precautionary measures to protect themselves (and others), paired with ever-present stresses impacting home, work and life. There have been schooling concerns, virtual classes, graduations, seemingly endless ZOOM meetings, postponed weddings, no church to online church, and more.
That’s a lot of plates to keep spinning while trying to create a safe, comforting, stable home environment amidst the swirling chaos, isn’t it? …and we haven’t even considered all that was entailed with keeping food on the table and figuring out “what’s for dinner” to gather everyone, keeping them fed.
For some, the aftereffect has taken the shape of near burnout. Some are depressed, others are exhausted. So if you’re not feeling well or suddenly realizing you’re not snapping back quite as fast as you thought you would, know you’re in good company. Wherever you are, we’re all in this season together? This too will pass.
This is a time requiring our lavishing grace, with reckless abandon.
Just as scripture tells us, I have seen things coming together for good, and I hope you have, too. We always have Hope. We know our heavenly Father uses bad, evil, hurtful things for good. We never know what to expect, nor could we have anticipated the pandemic. No one knew exactly how to get through it, based on experience or great knowledge. But we can rest in knowing that God has all of this. We can walk out our faith every day, trusting in Him.*
*That said, if you or someone you know is depressed or having issues that might require a doctor’s check-up, medical care or attention, please do seek proper professional care to address it. Take good care of you and the others in your life❤️
One thing is for sure: relationships remain important.
These uncertain days have tested relationships — stretching some nearly to a breaking point. Some of these experiences have raised more concerns about forgiveness and created confusion about how to resolve personal issues. I think studies will span the next 30+ years, seeking to understand all the implications this pandemic has imposed upon humanity. I believe the discoveries will be eye-opening!
How about you? What is your top Forgiveness Challenge?
❤️ Please share yours here (it’s completely anonymous): http://BeckyWantsToKnow.BeckyCortino.org