Recently lots of introspective people have been sharing their touching reflections in observation of our dubious COVID-19 “Anniversary.” These personal experiences, lessons and insight gained during our COVID-steeped days have been encouraging amidst tragedy and grief.
Living our faith out boldly, while making wise choices and good decisions for family and ourselves during uncertain days has been wearing. Many have been emotionally exhausted, teetering on depression.
I’m hopeful with the wide-scale availability of the COVID-19 vaccine, more businesses, schools and churches will open their doors. It is happening!
We are feeling a change here in NC, although many places (including churches) remain closed. These days, a welcome blend of hope and practical optimism rides in on the the sweet spring breeze surrounding us.
This is where I am right now: I’m still walking through fires (like you). I’m growing weary and my resources to deal with all this are growing thin. I realize we’re nearing the last inning of this game (as far as we think we know), but it’s still difficult.
I’m thankful God is with all of us. He helps us through our every day — easy or challenging. While my (or your) resources — time, energy, means may diminish, His are never depleted. They are always freely offered and available to everyone. All we have to do is to accept them and lean on Him.
In those faltering moments I’m reminded to rely less on me and much more on “Him.” I’ve had a lot of those reminders. I’ve also had a lot of help from Him as I always seem to have yet another unexpected hoop to jump through. I continue to look for the Joy in the moment of now.
As we reach the end of all this, I picture a conversation with our loving Heavenly Father asking, “Child, do you remember all of those times when you wanted more time to get things done, to create (or write) more, develop new projects? What did you do during the year of the COVID pandemic?” He will already know the answer. But He will love to hear from us.
Recently I heard Jordan St Cyr’s song “Fires.” It really spoke to my heart. The stories highlighted in the official music YouTube video include some incredible stories I think will touch your heart, too♥️I’m sharing it with you because it is encouraging and assuring. Jordan’s Official “Fires” song video on YouTube:
Jordan St Cyr – Fires
Take good care! We are running this race to finish, friend??And we will! Through Him all things are possible?AMEN.
RESOURCES: Journalling The Word can help us through challenging times. Keeping a journal can help us explore complex issues and make valuable personal discoveries so we can free ourselves from our pain. My 9th book, The Grace Daily Challenge Journal, is designed to help readers and writers explore what the Bible says about grace and finding forgiveness, as they Journal The Word.
MORE About this book: The Grace Daily Challenge Journal